This Artist Reveals What Horror Movies For Animals And Things Would Be Like

 This Artist Reveals What Horror Movies For Animals And Things Would Be Like

This artist revealed in the article that animals are still affected by our human activities, whether they be natural disasters or human-made.

Animals experience death in different ways, but the author points out how being under the constant threat of death affects their lives. They also encounter horror movies, to a less degree than humans. This artist’s work is based on his own experiences with animal survivability.

This Artist Reveals What Horror Movies For Animals And Things Would Be Like

This Artist Reveals What Horror Movies For Animals And Things Would Be Like is a collection of illustrations by artist Leah Horner. She draws things from her imagination, and her series of drawings titled “Horror Movies for Animals” show animals watching horror movies. These illustrations are delightful, but also dark and disturbing, which makes them perfect for the Halloween season!

Imagine a horror movie where the protagonist is the ill-fated animal, not a human.

This is what artist Antti Mäkinen does in his new series of illustrations called Horror Movies for Animals and Things. In this series he shows that animals can be the protagonists of horror movies too. Mäkinen’s work elaborates on the idea of animals as characters in stories and how their perspective might change things. He says that “animals are usually seen as being prey to some bigger, more powerful force, but this time they’re on top, scaring us instead”.

A lot of people can relate to these illustrations because they have had an experience with a pet or other animal being afraid of something and going out of their way to avoid it, even if it’s just a shadow or a sound outside the window.












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