The Internet Summed Up in Comics

 The Internet Summed Up in Comics

The internet is a vast and infinite place. It has the potential to bring together people from all over the world, foster creativity and innovation, and open up endless opportunities for self-expression. But as we all know, it’s also a much darker side of the web; one that can be filled with trolls who are just waiting to tear you down or threaten your safety. Still, at its best, the internet allows us to connect with others in ways that are truly wonderful and unique. That’s why these comics perfectly sum up what it’s like to use the internet in 2018.
The internet can be an interesting place. From funny memes to out-of-touch childhood stars, there is a whole world of material for the comic artist. In this article, we look at some of the best comics about the internet and social media culture.
The internet can be a cruel place, but it can also be a source of hope and love. If you were looking for some comic relief after the last election, then check out these comics that capture the best and worst of what happens on the web.










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