50 “Shameless” Pets That Carefully Stole The Partners of Their Owners

Shameless Pets: Await the evidence we’ve gathered for you below if you think we’re just pulling your leg! These pictures will demonstrate to you how freely and transparently these sly cats and wide-eyed puppies will seize their owners’ affections and attention for themselves! We guarantee that the sight of these adorable creatures will make your day brighter than it already is. Get ready for the greatest mood boost of the day.

Shameless Pets

Prepare yourself to see many hilarious behaviors that will make you laugh aloud, as well as endless cuddles and moments of pure delight.

These bonds between animals serve as a constant reminder that having a companion in life brightens every day, whether it’s a dog playing catch with its active mate or a cat dozing next to its human pal.

1. His new pair of mistresses

via Azryhael

2. The expression of sincere love

via The_Duke_of_Lizards

3. Most content in his arms

via sarahnourie

4. Just two buds watching the game

via pebernd0910

5. That menacing look though!

via Nasrin Hami

6. Impatiently awaiting the return of the boyfriend

via idontknowiforgot

7. Back off!

via alrightsydney,alrightsydney

8. Those adoring eyes!

via sillykittyish

9. Date night

via sambianchetto

10. Can never get enough

via ShadeeLeeann

11. Threesomes be like

via definitelynotforpron

12. New cuddle buddy

via neopetting

13. Don’t forget me!

via abilledeaux

14. Comfiest spot

via EggshellsandEyeballs

15. Time flies when they’re together

via Arsenicyellow

16. That’s her territory now

via Ravisium

17. Let me in!

via Skoocho


via westernmeadowlark24

19. Zoom dates be like

via lolskaters

20. Furry cuddles

via larryfinesse

21. Right at home

via Slipperyfister

22. Give me attention hooman!

via Stormster

23. Don’t even try to come any closer!

via poopmypantsMcGhee

24. She’s gloating

via Hyst3riaa

25. She’s complacent

via jigglefest2

26. That’s my hand now

via Ijoinedforredditaww

27. Never letting go

via blackythegreat

28. Spending some quality time

via cocoakaos

29. This year, I got distracted from the Christmas decorations.

via GoX14

30. They’re having a moment

via Tuhyk_inside

31. Fav person!

via weatherworn

32. Those cuddles hit different

via mishalaluna

33. Happiest with someone else’s man!

via raybeedee

34. “He’s mine now”

via kiana23

35. Best pillow in the house

via leroy_hirama

36. Constant state of being

via punohuksy,punohuksy

37. Hey that’s my spot!

via kevinonthemoon

38. Those eyes tho…

via apradical2

39. Sheepishly claiming what’s his

via bjornandborg

40. Twinsies

via shangram

41. Making his move

via gordorobertson

42. He is aware that he has her in the palm of his hand.

via jdubery

43. The preferred cuddle buddy

via toes2danose

44. Selfies with her boi

via NBAJam9

45. He’s not yours anymore

via NBAJam95

46. They are enjoying a little romantic moment.

via trkassmark

47. Can’t match that beauty

via Deathbeforedawn7

48. Never letting go of this one

via AstroTing

49. Preventing someone else from making their shot

via dj_8track

50. She now has no room in her life for anyone else.

via SavageSausage1

Comment below with your opinions on these Pets Life. Which one struck you as the most relatable? We’d like to hear your thoughts on this, so don’t forget to leave a comment. Keep returning to Comics Hut if you want more of this type of stuff. Keep an eye out for more wholesome and entertaining comics.

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