16 Funny Comics That Show The Dark Side Of Animals

Funny Comics: If you love animals, but sometimes it’s awkward how animals could be portrayed in funny comics, this article is for you. The images below basically show how funny things can happen when good and bad characters interact with one another. Share these funny comics about animals with your friends!

Funny Comics

Animals can be funny in the right situation. Here are some comics to help you forget that animals don’t have feelings and brains like we do. These funny comics bring the dark and depressing nature of animals to life. There are a lot of dark humor comics out there but these are some of the best of the best, even if they do hurt your eyes.

Funny Comics That Show The Dark Side Of Animals is a collection of comics that show us the cute and quirky side of animal species.





Funny Comics



Funny Comics



Funny Comics


Funny Comics




Funny Comics



Funny Comics



Funny Comics

Animals, in general, are the most misunderstood creatures. They are very loyal and lovable. But they have a dark side as well. They have their own personalities and can stand up for themselves when needed.

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Harry Rapheal

Harry Rapheal is a writer at Comics Hut. He was born in the United Kingdom but has spent most of his life in Europe. Harry Rapheal is a Passionate About Creating Engaging And Informative Content That Will Keep Readers Entertained.


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