The results of someone photo shops cat faces onto objects and animals are disturbingly funny (10 pics)

Cat faces: We all know that cats can be a little bit crazy, and when you put them in unusual situations, the results are often downright hilarious. But what happens when you take a picture of an animal or thing and then add a cat face to it? Well, it takes on a whole new life.

Cat faces

The pictures are often funny and cute, but the real purpose of this project is to highlight the fact that there are so many animals in need of homes. Some people feel that this project is a way to make people care more about adoption, while others don’t see the point in it. You can decide for yourself which one you think it is.

If you love cats, then this article is just for you! In this article, you will find some of the funniest pictures that have been photoshopped with cat faces.

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Cat faces


Cat faces


Cat faces


Cat faces


If you are a cat lover and are looking for some funny cat photos, then this article is just for you. In this article, you will find some of the funniest pictures that have been photoshopped with cat faces. A person has taken the time to photoshop cats onto animals and things so that we can get a good laugh

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