The Daily Life Struggles Of A Teenage Girl Are Shown In 20 Relatable Comics

Shreya Animations: This blog is specially for the girls who are going from the young age phase. When the girls grow up, there are many issues and struggles they face. The main purpose of this discussion is to motivate them and tell them that they are not alone in their struggles. These are the issues that are natural and happen to almost every girl. All you do is to stay strong and face the issues in a positive way. So, the next time instead of being sad, watch the content related to these problems on Comics Hut.

Shreya Animations

On social media platforms, there are many female artists who create content about female problems. One of them is Shreya Animations. We chose it because she is the female artist who better understands the issues. Because she was a girl, she also faced such problems at her young age. Anyhow, Shreya is a skilled artist from India who uses Instagram as the main source of sharing such information back in 2018. Within a few years, she got so much popularity because of unique ideas in the comic industry.

Shreya revealed in an interview that during her young age phase she faces many problems and is sad all the time. Although she consults with many psychiatrists because she feels so depressed. They ask her to be involved in the things that make her happy. So he does not care so much about the problems. In order to keep busy, she started creating comics. There are her best twenty comics for the girls. They can check out the comics and tell us which is more relatable to them.

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#1. Two Types Of Girls

#2. The Main Reason Of Getting So Many Pimples

#3. Negative Complements From People

#4. It Is So Hard To Start A Diet

#5. Clicking Pictures

#6. Holi

#7. Before Vs After Haircut

Shreya is the artist who has a very strong educational background. She did her masters in physics. Shreya had a lot of interest in sketching and drawing when she was a child. She draws on different things and even on the walls of her house. She got so much experience in her childhood that when she was planning to create comic strips, she did not even learn the drawing skills first. This got her an extra point and made her get success in a few years.

#8. Real Struggles Of Applying An Eye Liner

#9. How Boys Sees Girls

#10. Working

#11. There Must Be A Ghost Behind

#12. Opening Hair To Look Good

#13. There Should Be No Shame In Having Such A Body

#14. Having Curly Hairs

At last, there is a positive message from the artist to the girls that there is no need to worry. Every girl has her own body shape. All body shapes are natural. Every type of hair, eyes, and other beauty standards are natural. So be happy with what you have and do not wish to look like other girls. Be the different one from the crowds. We are sure this blog motivated the girls and made them able to face the problems strongly. If you want more such type of content on Comics Hut, then tell us in the comment section.

#15. Morning Routine

#16. Very Deep Reality

#17. Wearing Heals

#18. Do You Want To Talk About?

#19. Ever Experienced?


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