Foster Fails Who Went From Stray To Stay (17 Pics)

Foster Fails

Foster Fails: She was a victim of a cat-and-dog fight. It is located in the Island, where they like to keep them and other animals. Foster Fails Who Went From Stray To Stay is the perfect title for this book because the author’s subject matter is about two cats, one dog and her life experiences leading up to becoming a stray.

Foster Fails

The cat lived in the forest, laying on the grass. He was a somewhat shy creature with a gentle demeanor but could be aggressive if approached too closely. When rescued, he turned out to be everything they had expected: friendly and eager to please people.

If a stray cat looks at you with big, sad eyes, you can’t help but feel sorry for it. But you’ll take it in and find a way to rescue its life. Dogs are more understanding. So when Foster Fails, a stray dog that was living on the streets in Detroit, took himself to a local daycare center, he made a friend for life.



Foster Fails


Foster Fails



Foster Fails




Foster Fails


Foster Fails



Foster Fails




Foster Fails


Foster Fails, a street cat in the South, was suffering from parasites so bad that he had to be treated with medicine. Foster Fails, who went from stray to stay, is a charming story of an animal’s life told through photographs.

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