10 of the funniest and best examples of pet retaliation

Pet retaliation: It is a well-known fact that pet revenge is the best kind of revenge. It’s a lot more satisfying than getting back at someone with words or actions. There are many ways to get back at someone, but when you’re in the pet revenge business, it’s not just about being creative, it’s also about being smart. You need to be able to think fast and act even faster if you want to get away with it.

Pet retaliation

This is probably one of the most famous cases of pet revenge ever recorded. The cat got into the cage and killed the hamster using its teeth and claws which makes this case an example for some seriously clever thinking on behalf of this cat!

Pet revenge is a term that was coined by the media as a result of incidents where pets have been targeted by their owners in order to get revenge on someone else. Some people might think this is an overreaction and that pets are innocent creatures who should not be the subject of such actions, but these people don’t know the deep connection between a pet and its owner.


Pet retaliation


Pet retaliation


Pet retaliation


Pet retaliation


Pet retaliation


We all know how hard it is to find a perfect pet, so when you finally find one, you want to keep it forever. And when your pet gets taken away from you for any reason, it feels like you’ve lost part of yourself. Pets are innocent creatures who should not be the subject of such actions, but these people don’t know the deep connection between a pet and its owner.

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