Comics That Will Chill Your Spine With Their Dark Twisted Endings

Comics Dark Twisted: Dark, twisted endings are a literary art form that we often associate with horror and science fiction. While some stories use a sense of dread and mystery to heighten the dread, others look for ways to challenge the reader’s preconceptions and force them to confront their very own demons. In this section you’ll find comics that will chill your spine with their dark twists ending.

Comics Dark Twisted

Fortunately, Ehud Lavski, a writer, and Yael Nathan, an illustrator, have managed to grasp this idea and have chosen to approach narrative in a different way. Although the stories are all that they are, they nevertheless appear rather realistic.

But once you start reading it, we bet you won’t stop until you’ve finished since it’s so engrossing and interesting to see this guy’s unique perspective on modern storytelling.

More Info: Defused



Comics Dark Twisted


Comics Dark Twisted



Comics Dark Twisted




Comics Dark Twisted


Comics Dark Twisted



Comics Dark Twisted




Comics Dark Twisted


See how unique this story was compared to the typical ones we hear all the time? It didn’t contain much, but what it did show was how a regular guy has been working to prevent mutant creatures from being created.

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