Some cats live their entire lives hearing people exclaim, “Wow, what a sweetheart!”, while others take pride in being labeled as cruel and touchy animals. However, we’re willing to wager that it doesn’t phase them in the slightest because their owners continue to adore their fuzzy creatures, even when they bare their claws once more.
Supposed Cats
Cats are renowned for their cute personalities and funny antics, but what happens when they lose sight of their status as the epitome of cuteness? These 27 cats have chosen to highlight their peculiar and humorous features rather than stick to the formula of classic feline charm.
These furry buddies will make you laugh out loud with their surprising actions, whether they’re cats striking awkward positions or acting strangely. These cats demonstrate that even when they forget to be cute, their distinct personalities still manage to win our hearts, whether they’re getting into mischief or are just having a terrible hair day.

via © gigglestheangrycat / Instagram




via © sleepparalysisstuck / reddit

via © kaldorei_lorewh**e / reddit





via © Duncanwithacamera / reddit


via © Remarkable_Zuccini / reddit

via © Blue-Goat-Sleeping / reddit


via © Richard_Bu**s69 / reddit

via © flamingmoisture / reddit



via © this_is_for_dog_pics / reddit




via © SpockVaporizesRock / reddit



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