Adorable Long Comic Strips About The Friendship Of Pixie and Brutus (29 Drawings)

Pixie and Brutus is a charming comic duo based on a tiny kitten with the good name Pixie and a huge retired military dog named Brutus. They are famous for their unlikely friendships and adventures, which provide heartwarming humor and a delightful contrast. The skilled author who draws on their daily silly moments is Ben Hed. There is the main Instagram account with the title Pet Foolery, where he posts his new comics on a regular basis.

Pixie and Brutus

Ben Hed gained 2.5 million followers by making comics about Pixie and Brutus. The heartwarming bond between Pixie and Brutus. Basically, the artist wants to convey a positive message through his fabulous comics. In the comic stories that we compiled in this blog, you can see that they both always do silly things and fight with each other. Sometimes, they can be shown as supporting each other.

His main comic theme revolves around the heartwarming and humorous friendship between Pixie and Brutus. He looks at things like strange friendships and puts aside differences. The artist also explores the happiness that comes from friendship, a sense of fun and sweetness in cats, and the protective nature of dogs. His comics are ideal for readers of all ages who like to laugh out loud. Because they focus on humorous and pleasant scenarios.

For more information: Pet Foolery

Here the some best comic stories by Ben Hed:

#1. German Sheeper

#2. Poor alligators always living in the shadow of their bigger cousin

#3. Halloween

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Abdul Rehman


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