Humor Comics: Steve Nelson is a cartoonist who draws and writes for a living. He has also made his own comic strip titled My Sole Aim Is To Make People Laugh”. Nelson’s comics are often filled with sarcasm and irony, which he says is the result of his upbringing. His work has been published in various publications such as The New Yorker, The Washington Post and Reader’s Digest.
Humor Comics
Steve Nelson is a comedy writer and illustrator that creates humorous comics that are sure to make someone’s day better. Steve’s comics may appear pretty straightforward at first glance, but closer inspection reveals much more. Nelson is known for using sarcasm and deadpan humor in his work, which may be why he has quickly earned popularity throughout social media.
On social media sites like Instagram, comics like “The Roofs of Egypt,” “Careful with voodoo maps,” and others have amassed millions of likes. I hope you will enjoy these comics greatfully.
More info: Instagram | Facebook
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